Rice homologs of the Arabidopsis RCI2 cold-inducible genes

Contact: Joachin Medina Alcazar
Organization: INIA - Spain
Source: Medina J, Ballesteros ML and Salinas J. (2007) Phylogenetic and functional analysis of Arabidopsis RCI2 genes. J Exp Bot. In press.
Criteria: Sequence homology to characterized RCI2 Arabidopsis seqences.


Gene Name: OsRCI2-2
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
GenBank Genomic Acc: P0511C01
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-12
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
GenBank Genomic Acc: AACV01019593.1
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-1
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-1 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
GenBank Genomic Acc: P0511C01
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-5
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-5 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: OSJNBb0022M22
GenBank Protein Acc: XP_470667
Comment: AK070872
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-3
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-4 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: OSJNBa0013M12.23
GenBank Protein Acc: AAG46140
Comment: CA766241
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-4
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-4 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: OSJNBa0013M12.23
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-7
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-7 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: OJ1729E02
Comment: CX100353
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-6
Alternate Gene Name: LTI6B
Gene Description: Hydrophobic protein LTI6B
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-6 - Hydrophobic protein LTI6B, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: OSJNBa0069I13
GenBank Protein Acc: Q6AT93
Comment: AF503583
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-8
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-8 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: P0554A06
GenBank Protein Acc: BAD72523
Comment: AK121018
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-9
Gene Description: Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-9 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein
GenBank Genomic Acc: P0453H04
Comment: AK108564
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-10
Alternate Gene Name: LTI6A
Gene Description: Hydrophobic protein LTI6A
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-10 - Hydrophobic protein LTI6A, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: P0487A05
GenBank Protein Acc: Q8H5T6
Comment: AK121089
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsRCI2-11
Alternate Gene Name: OSR8
Gene Description: Hydrophobic protein OSR8
MSU Annotation: OsRCI2-11 - Hydrophobic protein OSR8, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: OJ1065_E04
GenBank Protein Acc: Q9LRI7
Comment: AK062410
Structural Annotation:  


NSF Logo This work is supported by grants (DBI-0321538/DBI-0834043) from the National Science Foundation.