F-Box and F-Box-Associated-Domain Containing Proteins

Superfamily: F-box proteins
Contact: Jitendra Khurana
Organization: University of Delhi
Website: http://genomeindia.org/DPMB/index.htm
Source: Jain M, Nijhawan A, Arora R, Agarwal P, Ray S, Sharma P, Kapoor S, Tyagi AK, Khurana JP (2007) F-box proteins in rice. Genome-wide analysis, classification, temporal and spatial gene expression during panicle and seed development, and regulation by light and abiotic stress. Plant Physiology 143(4):1467-83
Criteria: BLAST search using the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) profile of F-box domain (PF00646) followed by domain analysis using SMART and PFam with an E-value cut off of less than 1.0. The identified 687 proteins were further classified into 10 subfamilies based upon their domain organization as indicated by the subfamily name.


Gene Name: OsFBA1
Gene Description: F-box and FBA domain containing protein
MSU Annotation: OsFBA1 - F-box and FBA domain containing protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: AP004812
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsFBA2
Gene Description: F-box and FBA domain containing protein
MSU Annotation: OsFBA2 - F-box and FBA domain containing protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: AP004379
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsFBA3
Gene Description: F-box and FBA domain containing protein
MSU Annotation: OsFBA3 - F-box and FBA domain containing protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: AP005575
Structural Annotation:  



Gene Name: OsFBA4
Gene Description: F-box and FBA domain containing protein
MSU Annotation: OsFBA4 - F-box and FBA domain containing protein, expressed
GenBank Genomic Acc: AL845345
Structural Annotation:  


NSF Logo This work is supported by grants (DBI-0321538/DBI-0834043) from the National Science Foundation.